Ambulance Repairs & Preventative Maintenance
We offer preventative maintenance packages for ambulances as we do for fire apparatus. Having worked on many various types of EMS units from ALS Chase trucks to specialized pediatric MICU’s. We know that there are no two EMS units the same. Our PM packages offer the customer options to meet the needs of your EMS units. Our parts department keeps a wide selection of parts specifically for EMS units. On-Spots, wheel simulators and parts, door latches and handles are some of the parts that are are used, see abuse and are all checked during routine PM’s. No added down time to make the repairs while waiting for parts to ship in. Getting your EMS unit back on the street faster!
Routine maintenance to keep up the demands of your EMS vehicle can be a challenge for some repair facilities. We have technicians well versed in the repair and maintenance of smaller diesel motors and the troubled 6.0 Power Strokes. Whether its major motor teardowns or replacing a rear differential keeping EMS units on the street has always been a job we take pride in. So many systems are unique to ambulances, one of those being the electrical system. We have done electrical trouble shooting on many units and solved many headaches for EMS providers. Interfacing between OEM and body manufacturers can be a complicated. We have the technical resources and equipment to trace the most difficult problems.